Wisdom of Jesus Son of Sirach
الخميس, 02 يوليو,
First: When The Book in our Coptic Orthodox Church is read?
Second: Joshua Son of Sirav doctrine
of wisdom.
Third: Sections of The
Book ofJoshua son of Serah
Fourth: the place of The Book in
the Holy Bible.
Fifth: The purpose of writing The Book of Joshua son of Sirav.
First: When The Book in our Coptic Orthodox Church is read?
The reading of The
Book of Joshua son of Sirav in our Coptic
Orthodox church is as follow:
Early on Friday of the third week of the great fast
Early on Tuesday of the fourth week of the great fast
Early on Wednesday of the sixth week of the great fast
Early on Thursday of the sixth week of the great fast
Early on Tuesday of the seventh week of the great fast
In the Holy Week, the reading of The Book is as follow:
Early on Monday of the Holy Pascha
At eleven o'clock am on Monday
At three o’clock pm on Tuesday
At three o’clock pm on Wednesday
At six o’clock pm on Wednesday
At three o’clock pm on Thursday
Second: Joshua son of Sirav doctrine
of wisdom.
Wisdom is from the God as He did create it, it must have a separate existence,
but it depends on Him. It is Omnipresence, and resolved - in a special meaning
- in every body. The basis of the wisdom and integrity of the crown is the fear
of the Lord (1: 11, 16, 17 .20 to 25). And the Lord grant it, in his name, to
the faithful fans of the believers (1: 10, 16). And wisdom is the fear of the
Lord and work by Law (19: 18, 19), although it is synonymous with the
Law of Moses (24: 32, 33), ie, it contains the
principles and rules governing the operation of life.
In this doctrine, the universality of salvation
(24: 3-21) meets with the allocation of co-opting of God to the Jews, according
to Lawgiven by God (24: 23 to 34).
Third: Sections of The Book ofJoshua son of Serah
The book of Joshua son of Sirav isdivided into three sections:
Section one: - It includes Verses from (1 to 43). All of
these include many of the wisdoms which take the Book image of the wisdom of
the wise Solomon. They are rules, advices, and wills for different types of
people for parents, children, leaders,Subordinates and
for the rich and the poor.
As well as it calls for morality and justice, and
not to rely on the money, and not Hauteur. And manufacture of compassion for
the poor and the sick, sad and out of courtesy, and the lives of people in
love. It also encourages to avoid the alliances and obscene speech, and impure
and belly lust, and not to follow the Sibyl and Alttir and
Also forgiving people and
respecting adults, and not to follow the basic nature of glory toward
subordinates and not favor the faces and the canonization
of El Ashoor andAlbacore.
Section two: comprising of Verses (44 to 50). In this Chapter,
the writer glorified the glory of the fathers and the prophets, kings and
leaders, judges and priests of the Children of Israel. And talks about their
curricula, and reminds them of their positions and their fear of God and their Heroism
and their Jealousy, and the glory they've earned from the Lord.
At the end of this section, The Book writer states
his name, by saying: "Designed discipline of reason and science in this
Book, Joshua son of Sirav, the Oorchillimy, which provide the wisdom from his heart"
(S. 50: 29)
Section three: It is the last of Chapter of The Book, which is
number fifty one.
In this Chapter, the writer is ending The Book by
praying to the Lord, recognized his ability, and exalting to Him for his
quality and his mercy, which was developed by him in his prayers in his life,
and gives him wisdom and discernment and intelligence, integrity and purity and
the ability to learn.
Fourth: the place of The Book in the Holy Bible.
The Book of Joshua son of Sirav is
located after The Book of Solomon wisdom and before The Book of the Prophet’s Ishaiah
Fifth: The purpose of writing The Book of Joshua son of Sirav.
Palestine remained more than one hundred years of rule in EgyptBatalsah, then felt under Selloukasrule
in Syria in 198 BC. M.
The Ontynukhus
the third (223 to 187 BC. M.) and
his successor Sellouks the fourth (187
to 175 BC. M) Have had much compassion for the
Jews, they provided them with concessions and exemptions. They also contributed
to the rebuilding of the structure (2 ml 3: 3).
The conquest of Alexander that had been revealed to
the world with kind of civilization that made from the word civilization a
masterpiece (the Helleniah).
It soon spread tendency to adopt the new pattern of
life in the whole world. But that was where the Helleniah civilization
of features (a mix of cultures, inclusiveness efforts to repeal the limits of
races, religions and the glorification of the forces of nature and the cult of
Rights), and this was what is a threat to the Jewish religion.
Son of Sirav was a human being, open minded, welcome some
Greek habits, philosophical concepts, but hates the philosophical concepts
Stoicism. But he knows that this intellectual and moral power to have the new
religion was opposed to doing some of the requirements essential (o 2: 12-14).
Son of Sirav saw
these risks as he went on to write to defend the religious and cultural,
heritage of the Jewish, and its view of God and the world, and distinguished by
the choice of God. He tries to convince the people that the religion ofIsrael, which has the Law El Mohaatindigenous
wisdom, do not need to greed for breakthroughs in Greek thought and
civilization of its ambiguity. And achieve its objective, the reconciliation of
religion and traditional wisdom to the public based on personal experience, so
started writing a book of The Book of son of Sirav’s wisdom.