Saint Anthonay Education
Monday, September 18, 2006
Discussion Paper
Saint Anthony’s Education:
It was indicated in the tutorial discussion (16th
August) that St. Anthony was an ignorant person. However, at that time the norm
was that any person who could not communicate in Greek is regarded as an
ignorant person. It is evident that St Anthony knew how to read and write. He
knew the Bible, and he was able to link a lot of matters with a biblical
statement (Vita S. Antoni, page 206, part 38).
The role of demons:
The demons played a very important role in trying
to frighten S. Anthony. S. Anthony left the world and lived in the desert. He
was the first monk to live alone in the desert. Thus, that was the main reason
for the devil to attack S. Anthony wherever he may be, especially in the desert
(Vita S. Antony, page 207, part 41). Thus, S. Anthony opens the door for many
others to follow in his foot steps, and live in the
The demons attacked S. Anthony through a number of
temptations. They tempted him by Gold, by worrying about his sister, bodily
desires such as food, sexual desires, and prestigious life. When all failed
they started to frighten him by sounds of wild beasts, and starting fires.
Also, they beat him badly almost to the point of death. Nevertheless, they were
all defeated by his humility, announcing the name of Christ the Saviour and
making the sign of the cross (Vita S. Antoni, page
203, part 28).
Different stages of Anthony’s journey:
Anthony went to church and heard the word “(Mat
19:21 NKJV) Jesus said to him, "If
you want to be perfect, go, sell what you have and give to the poor, and you
will have treasure in heaven; and come, follow Me."(Vita
S. Antoni, page 196, part 2). Anthony left the
city and went outside of the village. Then he went to the river bank away from
everyone. He moved thereafter to the mountain to live their.
That is to live an ascetic life away from everyone and every
thing that is worldly related. He went to live for God alone. As he grew
spiritually, he moved deeper and deeper into the mountains.
S. Anthony’s movements were to fulfill
his goal. His goal was to inherit eternal life.
To achieve this goal one must dissociate completely
from the world. He Also knew the
Biblical verse “(Eccl 4:8 NKJV) there is one alone,
without companion: He has neither son nor brother. Yet there is no end to all
his labors, nor is his eye satisfied with riches. But
he never asks, "For whom do I toil and deprive myself of good?" This
also is vanity and a grave misfortune. (Vita S. Antoni,
page 200, part 16)
S. Anthony fled to the desert and was able to
achieve his goal.