Raeef Wahib's Theological
Roweiss Cairo-Egypt Faculty of Arts Ein Shams university
currently doing a masters degree at macquarie university.
Specialisings in:
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Trafic Control Training
Crowd Control Training
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Ehab Wahib
Security and First Aid Trainer
Mob: 0412409596
and evening classes in following courses:
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Special price $699 for
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1st Aid
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Ehab 0412 409 596 ML:407752319
OnThursday, 12thJuly 2007the Church will celebrate the
Feast of the Apostles in which we commemorate the martyrdom of Saints Peter and
Paul. We are immensely indebted to our
holyFathersand teachers the Apostles.
The Apostles = Preached the
Word of God
The Apostles preached and witnessed to the Risen Lord in the Temple (Acts
17), in homes (Acts 20:7) and Acts (18:7), inmarket places (Acts
17:17-19), in prisons (Acts 16:23-34), by the riverside (Acts 16:13).
No wonder some people marveled about ‘these
uneducated and untrained men’ (Acts4:13) who turned the world
upside down (Acts 17:6).
The Apostles = Wrote the
Gospels and Epistles
”For our Gospel did not come to you in word only but also in power and in
the Holy Spirit.” (1 Thessalonians 1:5).
In articulating the entire New Testament the Apostles explained the
prophecies of the Old Testament as fulfilled in the life, ministry and
teachings of our Lord Jesus. ‘The New Testament’, saysSt. Augustine, ‘is hidden in
the Old Testament and the Old Testament is clear in the New Testament.’
The Apostles = Established
the Churches
Empowered by the Holy Spirit, the Apostles established small Christian
communities from which evolved our Churches: St. Peter inAntioch, St. Mark inAlexandria,St. PaulinRome,St. ThomasinIndia, St. Matthew inEthiopia.
Luke says, ‘The word of God spread and the number of disciples multiplied
greatly (Acts 7:6-7). Indeed the words of David
the Prophet were fulfilled, ‘Their line has gone out through all the earth
and their words to the end of the world.’ (Psalm 19:4).
The Apostles = Endured
Sufferings and Martyrdom
The Apostles were sent out as lambs among wolves (Luke 10:3). St. Peter andSt. Johnwere imprisoned (Acts
4:1-4), St. Stephen was stoned to death (Acts7:54-60), St. Peter was
imprisoned (Acts 12:5), St. James (brother ofSt. John) was killed (Acts
12:2). As forSt. Paulhe was beaten with rods,
stoned, 3 times shipwrecked, endured perils of robbers, perils of
Gentiles, perils in the wilderness, perils from false brethren. Moreover,St. Paulendured sleeplessness,
hunger, thirst, cold and nakedness (2 Corinthians11:23-28). In all the Apostles were
counted worthy to suffer shame for Christ (Acts5:41).
In every Liturgy, during the
reading of the Catholic Epistle, the Priest says silently the following prayer,
“O Lord God, Who, through Your Holy Apostles, have manifested to us, the
mystery of the Gospel of Christ’s glory…that they should preach in all nations
the glad tidings of the unsearchable riches of Your
mercy. We ask You O our Lord to make us
worthy of their share and heritage. Grant us at all times to walk in their footsteps, imitate their
struggle, and have fellowship with them in the sweat which they endured for
your sake. Guard Your
holy Church which You have founded by them. Bless the sheep of Your flock.”
Let us attend early the Holy
Liturgy which is preceded by the Lakan Service (in fulfillment of the words of Christ, ‘if I them Your Lord
and Teacher have washed your feet you ought to wash one another’s feet.’ John
13:14) and cherish deeply our Holy Apostolic Church which has been built on the
foundation of the Apostles and Prophets, Jesus Christ Himself being the Chief
Cornerstone (Ephesians 2:20).
Wishing you a blessed and joyous
Feast of the Apostles!!
the helper of the holy spirit, whom the Father will
send in my name, He will teach you all things and
bring to your remembrance all things I said to you" (John 14:26)