Ascension Feast
الثلاثاء, 03 يونيو,
Ascension Feast
Blessing of Ascension Feast
“I go to prepare a place for
you” (John 14:2)
Ascension of Our Lord after His
resurrection of a proof of His Divinity
Strengthen the faith of the
disciples as well as ours
Our original home is the heaven
Lift our eyes and hearts to the
heave where Our Lord is
Our Lord’s body up in the heaven
and sat at the right hand of the Father (that gives our bodies highly value)
St Stephen while he was stoning
“Look I see the heavens opened and the Son of man standing at the right hand of
God” (Act 7:56)
Granting us the Holy Spirit
Prepare a place for us to join
Him there
Our Lord Jesus who ascends to the heaven to prepare
a good place for us He will come back to take us with Him in the heaven