Sunday, October 08, 2006


Known for his excellence in
his studies and general knowledge as well as his love of reading science and
literature books.
It seems to be this saint was chosen by God at an
early age. He always impressed the
people with his wisdom and spirituality.
In his work he was famous for his complete honesty and truthfulness in
his words. He was fair to every one and was always defending the innocent. Always when he goes home from work he used to
take off his watch and says (the time with Jesus can’t be measured by the hour)
and then he starts to pray. When he’s in
church praying he’s eyes are fixed at the altar as he remains standing during
the whole mass like someone nailed his feet to the ground. He was responsible for one young man’s return
to faith after visiting him in prison and all could see the joy and
peacefulness in the young man’s face as he said “between your hands God I put
my soul.” God loved this man and gave
him many gifts like always seeing his guardian angel as a strong light
surrounding him all his life and he always saw the saints at the altar as their
names are mentioned during the holy mass.
Many times he has seen the Virgin Mary on the Keyhek
nights in St Mary’s church in Roud El Farag. God gave him
as well the gift of releasing the evil spirit from the people. As the people gather in St Mary’s church he
would kneel next to the altar and pray the psalms with such passion until all
the bad spirits are driven away from the people. One day Father David El Makrey
gave him the task of visiting a cancer patient at the hospital. Father Sadek told
the patient to ask and receive God’s forgiveness which the sick man did full of
emotion. After two days the sick man was
discharged from the hospital completely free of cancer.
Father Sadek’s sister
said that she used to have high blood pressure and one day while she was
arguing with the husband she fell down dead and her colour turned blue. Father Sadek who
was with them went to another room and prayed to the Virgin Mary and at that
very moment she was alive again.
When Father Sadek’s death
was near God gave him the knowledge its date which he told his children. During his funeral as his body was paraded in
the church the smell of incense coming from his body was noticed by everyone
present. Many other miracles he did
after his death. And his soul went to
his God on the 6th of Nov 1969.
May his prayers stay with us. Amen
Dear reader,
Our problem is we don’t rely on God. After work, Father Sadek
gives his time to God praying as he knows that we have to rely on God. As his spiritual life is a lesson to us we
also learn that time with God is not calculated by minutes as everything we
have is for God. As we have time for
everything we have to give God his own time.
Then again may the prayer of Father Sadek stay
with you and me.
Remember me in your prayers.