Ehab Raeef Wahib's
Theological Deacon From the CLERICAL UNIVERSITY COLLEGE in anba Roweiss Cairo-Egypt Faculty of Arts Ein Shams university currently doing a masters degree at macquarie university.

Welcome to Ehab Raeef Wahib's Site

Final Spiritual Exam

St. Dimiana

St. Stephen

St. Marina the monk

St. Cosman & St. Demian

St. John the Evengelist

The Feast of The Pentecost

St. Mark the Evangelist

Saint PhilopatirMercurious

Saint Pachomius

Saint Mina

Saint Piamon the Virgin


Saint Pistis, Helpis, Agape

Saint Verena

St. Takla Haymanot the Ethiopian

Saint Shenoute The Archmandrite

St. Bishoy

St. John the Short

Saint John Chrysostom

Saint George

Saint Marina the Ascetic

Anba Barsoum El Eryan

The Fourty nine elders of sheheet

Anba Rewes

Saint Athanasious










preface by his grace bishop moussa

Saint Anthonay Education


Saint Samuel The Confessor


about book of tobit add to your library


Saint Anthonay And the environment around him

Saint Moses the black

Saint Anthonay Life

There was a church that had problems with outsiders

The Pastor's Son

Three things of every kind



The Feast of the Cross

Story about how we serve?

Lent Table

Get Hungry For Lent

Love bears love

Feast of the cross

Feast of the cross

A Holy man was having a conversation

Get Hungry for Lent!!!

A young and successful executive was travelling down


The Feast of the Epiphany

Love bears love


The Greatest Man in History Jesus

St. Mark the Apostle


Doxology for Saint Moses the Black

Murder miracle in Egypt

The Apostles

To love & to be loved is the greatest happiness


St. Mary Mother of God

The Preacher




What goes around comes round


The importance of life is what you do with it


Please send this on ASAP!!!

The Brick!!! Read It. 

Jonah's Fast

The Journey from Jerusalem to Calvary



The Greatest Man in History Jesus

Several years ago, a preacher


Ascension Feast

Christ’s Ascension = Confirmed His Divinity


There are five major symbols of the Holy

Blind girl who hated herself

St. Mary Mother of God

The Lesson of the Homeless Man

Please take a moment

God's angels are always around us

Why Did Jesus Fold The Napkin

Angie tells you

Cell phone vs. Bible

Cab I barrow 25$



Still Know Who She Is

Resurrection of our Lord Christ

The BOOK JOSHUA son of sirack

Wisdom of Jesus Son of Sirach 2

A little girl went to her bedroom...



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Resurrection of our Lord Christ


السبت, 09 مايو, 2009

Resurrection of our Lord Christ

JesusChrist'sresurrection from the dead is one of the cardinal facts and doctrines of the gospel.

If Christbe not risen, our faithis vain (1 Cor. 15:14). The whole of the New Testamentrevelation rests on this as an historical fact. On the day of Pentecost,Peterargued the necessity of Christ's resurrection from the prediction in Psalm 16(Acts 2:24-28). In his own discourses, also, our Lord clearly prophecied hisresurrection (Matt. 20:19; Mark 9:9; 14:28; Luke 18:33; John 2:19-22).

The evangelistsgive accounts of the facts connected with that event, and theapostles

, also, in their public teaching insist upon it.

How many times did Jesus appear after his death and resurrection?

Eleven different appearances of our risen Lord are recorded in the New Testament

1.    To Mary Magdalene at the sepulcher alone. This is recorded at length only by John (20:11-18), and alluded to by Mark (16:9-11).

2.    To certain women, “the other Mary,” Salome, Joanna, and others, as they returned from the sepulcher. Matthew (28:1-10) alone gives an account of this. (Compare Mark 16:1-8, and Luke 24:1-11.)

3.    To Simon Peter alone on the day of the resurrection. (See Luke 24:34; 1 Cor. 15:5.)

4.    To the two disciples on the way to Emmaus on the day of the resurrection, recorded fully only by Luke (24:13-35. Compare Mark 16:12,13).

5.    To the ten disciples (Thomas being absent) and others “with them,” atJerusalem on the evening of the resurrection day. One of the evangelistsgives an account of this appearance, John (20:19-24).

6.    To the disciples again (Thomas being present) at Jerusalem (Mark 16:14-18;Luke 24:33-40; John 20:26-28. See also 1 Cor. 15:5).

7.    To the disciples when fishing at the Sea of Galilee. Of this appearance also John (21:1-23) alone gives an account.

8.    To the eleven, and above 500 brethren at once, at an appointed place inGalilee (1 Cor. 15:6; compare Matt. 28:16-20).

9.    To James, but under what circumstances we are not informed (1 Cor. 15:7).

10. To the apostles immediately before the ascension. They accompanied him from Jerusalem to Mount Olivet, and there they saw him ascend “till a cloud received him out of their sight” (Mark 16:19; Luke 24:50-52; Acts 1:4-10).

It is worthy of note that it is distinctly related that on most of these occasions our Lord afforded his disciples the amplest opportunity of testing the fact of his resurrection. He conversed with them face to face. They touched him (Matt. 28:9; Luke 24:39; John 20:27), and he ate breadwith them (Luke 24:42,43; John 21:12,13).

11. In addition to the above, mention might be made of Christ's manifestation of himself to Paul at Damascus, who speaks of it as an appearance of the risen Savior (Acts 9:3-9, 17; 1 Cor. 15:8; 9:1).

12. It is implied in the words of Luke (Acts 1:3) that there may have been other appearances of which we have no record.

N.B:- Comparing what is mention above with what is mention by St.Paul in 1Cor 15

       Has no difficulty as St. Paul is only mention the appearance for the apostles mainly to prove his apostleship ( not as a full account of the appearance) .




Who performed the resurrection?

The resurrection is spoken of as the act of all three persons of the Trinity…

1.    of God the Father (Ps. 16:10; Acts 2:24; 3:15; Rom. 8:11; Eph. 1:20; Col. 2:12;Hebrews 13:20)

2.    of Christ himself (John 2:19; 10:18)

3.    of the Holy Spirit (1 Peter 3:18)

Why is the resurrection important?

The resurrection is a public testimony of Christ's release from his undertaking as surety, and an evidence of the Father's acceptance of his work of redemption. It is a victory overdeathand the grave for all his followers.

The importance of Christ's resurrection will be seen when we consider that if he rose the gospelis true, and if he rose not it is false. His resurrection from the dead makes it manifest that his sacrificewas accepted.

Our justificationwas secured by his obedience to the death, and therefore he was raised from the dead (Rom. 4:25).

His resurrection is a proof that he made a full atonementfor our sins, that his sacrifice was accepted as a satisfaction to divine justice, and his blood a ransom for sinners. It is also a pledgeand an earnest of the resurrection of all believers (Rom. 8:11; 1 Cor. 6:14; 15:47-49; Phil. 3:21; 1 John 3:2). As he lives, they shall live also.

It proved him to be the Son of God, inasmuch as it authenticated all his claims (John 2:19; 10:17).

“If Christ did not rise, the whole scheme of redemption is a failure, and all the predictions and anticipations of its glorious results for time and for eternity, for men and for angels of every rank and order, are proved to be chimeras. ‘But now is Christ risen from the dead, and become the first-fruitsof them that slept.’ Therefore the Bible is true from Genesis to Revelation. The kingdom of darkness has been overthrown, Satan has fallen as lightningfrom heaven, and the triumph of truth over error, of good over evil, of happiness over misery is for ever secured” (Hodge).

What about claims that Jesus did not rise from the dead?

With reference to the report which the Romansoldiers were bribed(Matt. 28:12-14) to circulate concerning Christ's resurrection, “his disciples came by night and stole him away while we slept,” Matthew Henry in his “Commentary,” under John 20:1-10, fittingly remarks,

“The grave-clothes in which Christ had been buried were found in very good order, which serves for an evidence that his body was not ‘stolen away while men slept.’ Robbers of tombs have been known to take away ‘the clothes’ and leave the body; but none ever took away ‘the body’ and left the clothes, especially when they were ‘fine linen’ and new (Mark 15:46). Any one would rather choose to carry a dead body in its clothes than naked. Or if they that were supposed to have stolen it would have left the grave-clothes behind, yet it cannot be supposed they would find leisure to ‘fold up the linen’.”







Is Easter mentioned in the Bible?

The name “Easter” is never mentioned in the original Scriptures. However, one English translation of the Bible does use the word. The King James Version chose to translate Acts 12:4 like this:

“And when he [Herod the King] had apprehended him [Peter], he put him inprison, and delivered him to four quaternion’s of soldiers to keep him; intending after Easter to bring him forth to the people.”

The book of Acts was originally written in the Greek language by the Christian Gentile and physician Luke. The Greek word that the King James Version translates as “Easter” is most certainly not the name “Easter,” it is actually the word “Pascha” (Hebrew: Pesach) which means “Passover”—and this is how all accurate translations show it. For example, the New King James Version says,

“So when he had arrested him, he put him in prison, and delivered him to four squads of soldiers to keep him, intending to bring him before the people after Passover.”

It was during an annual Passover celebration that Jesus was killed at Jerusalem. Passover was an annual Jewish religious celebration instituted by God (Leviticus 23:5). It dates from the time of Moses when God delivered the Israelites from bondage and spared their first-borns when all first-borns in Egypt died (Exodus 12:11f; Numbers 9:2f; Deuteronomy 16:1f; 2 Kings 23:21f).

Where did “Easter” get its name?

 The name “Easter” has its roots in ancient polytheistic religions (paganism). On this, all scholars agree. This name is never used in the original Scriptures, nor is it ever associated biblically with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. For these reasons, we prefer to use the term “Resurrection Sunday” rather than “Easter” when referring to the annual Christian remembrance of Christ's resurrection.

This name comes from the Saxon word (Eostre), denoting a goddess of the Saxons, in honor of whom sacrificeswere offered about the time of the Passover. Hence the name came to be given to the festival of the Resurrection of Christ, which occurred at the time of the Passover. In the early English versions of the Bible, this word was frequently used as the translation of the Greek pascha (the Passover). When the Authorized Version [King James Bible] (1611) was formed, the word “passover” was used in all passages in which this word paschaoccurred, except in Act 12:4. In the Revised Version the proper word, “passover,” is always used.


The Date of Easter

In Western Christianity, using the Gregorian calendar, Easter always falls on a Sunday between March 22 and April 25 inclusively. The following day,Easter Monday, is a legal holidayin many countries with predominantly Christian traditions. In Eastern Orthodox Churches which continue to use the Julian calendar for religious dating, Easter also falls on a Sunday between March 22 and April 25 inclusive of the Julian calendar. (The Julian calendar is no longer used as the civil calendar of the countries where Eastern Christian traditions predominate.) In terms of the Gregorian calendar, due to the 13 day difference between the calendars between 1900 and 2099, these dates are between April 4 and May 8 inclusive. Among theOriental Orthodoxsome churches have changed from the Julian to the Gregorian calendar and the date for Easter as for other fixed and moveable feasts is the same as in the Western Church.

The precise date of Easter has at times been a matter for contention. At theFirst Council of Nicaeain 325 it was decided that all Christianswould celebrate Easter on the same day, which would be computed independently of any Jewish calculations to determine the date of Passover. It is probable, though, that no method of determining the date was specified by the Council. (No contemporary account of the Council's decisions has survived.) Epiphanius of Salamiswrote in the mid-4th century:

...the emperor...convened a council of 318 the city of Nicea...They passed certain ecclesiastical canons at the council besides, and at the same time decreed in regard to the Passover that there must be one unanimous concord on the celebration of God's holy and supremely excellent day. For it was variously observed by people....[38]

In the years following the council, the computational system that was worked out by the church of Alexandria came to be normative. It took a while for the Alexandrian rules to be adopted throughout Christian Europe, however. The


Church of Rome continued to use an 84-year lunisolar calendarcycle from the late third century until 457. The Church of Rome continued to use its own methods until the 6th century, when it may have adopted the Alexandrian method as converted into the Julian calendarby Dionysius Exiguus(certain proof of this does not exist until the ninth century). Early Christians in Britain and Ireland also used a late third century Roman 84-year cycle. This was replaced by the Alexandrian method in the course of the 7th and 8th centuries. Churches in western continental Europe used a late Roman method until the late 8th century during the reign ofCharlemagne, when they finally adopted the Alexandrian method. However, with the adoption of the Gregorian calendarby the Catholic Churchin 1582 and the continuing use of the Julian calendarby Eastern Orthodox and most Oriental Orthodox Churches, the date on which Easter is celebrated again deviated, and the divergence continues to this day


Table of dates of Easter - 2001–2020
In Gregorian dates


full moon

(Sunday after full moon)





April 8

April 15

April 15

April 15

April 8


March 28

March 31

March 31

May 5

March 28


April 16

April 20

April 20

April 27

April 17


April 5

April 11

April 11

April 11

April 6


March 25

March 27

March 27

May 1

April 24


April 13

April 16

April 16

April 23

April 13


April 2

April 8

April 8

April 8

April 3


March 21

March 23

March 23

April 27

April 20


April 9

April 12

April 12

April 19

April 9


March 30

April 4

April 4

April 4

March 30


April 18

April 24

April 24

April 24

April 19


April 6

April 8

April 8

April 15

April 7


March 27

March 31

March 31

May 5

March 26


April 15

April 20

April 20

April 20

April 15


April 4

April 5

April 5

April 12

April 4


March 23

March 27

March 27

May 1

April 23


April 11

April 16

April 16

April 16

April 11


March 31

April 1

April 1

April 8

March 31


March 21

March 24

April 21

April 28

April 20


April 8

April 12

April 12

April 19

April 19



بل إنما أنجيك نجاة فلا تسقط بالسيف

الشهيد أبا كراجون

طريق وسط الثلوج

بالمداومةعلي الصلاة تصل الي محبة الله

طريق وسط الثلوج

Abou Seffan

لأرسم ملامح وجه سيدي!

وداعًا أيها المجهر (الميكروسكوب

The Devil made a visit to JESUS in Heaven

القديس أندرونيقوس الرسول

أوص ... أن يكونوا أسخياء فى العطاء كرماء فى

عقلك ترى لا

قرأته عشرين مرَّة

ضع يا رب حافظًا

و لفراخ الغربان التى تدعوه

ضفدعتان في حفرة

يا أولادي الذين أتمخض بكم أيضاً

قصة واقعية ومؤثرة جدا

قال خادم لحجار يقوم بتكسير الحجار

قال خادم لحجار يقوم بتكسير الحجاره

قبل الكسر الكبرياء و قبل السقوط تشامخ الروح

القديسة ألكسندرا العذراء

انت تقول مستحيل

السقوط هو السقوط من يدي الله

هذا هو الرجل الذى ضمنى طوال الليل الى حضنه فى اليوم

قال خادم لحجار يقوم بتكسير الحجاره

سيرة القديسة أبوللونيا- شفيعة أطباء الأسنان,

شفيعة آلام الأسنان والصدا

ظهرت له القديسة العذراء مريم فى شكل نورانى

أبينا بيشوى كامل

عطش الإنسان إلى المطلق

العذراء في السنكسار

التصقت نفسى بك . يمينك تعضدنى

مز 8:63

فى كل ضيقهم تضايق و ملاك حضرته خلصهم   إش

جنون واعظ

الاسباب التى دعت الكنيسة الى استخدام المزامير فى الصلاة

وفى أحد الأيام أخذ الراهب يُفكّرماذا يوجد فى هذه الأنبوبة الصغيرة

فى اجتماع لدراسة الكتاب المقدس

أفضل مني ومنك

شيخ فتى يبني الكنيسة

المدالية الذهبية نزعت آلامي

كنيسة جديدة! وقلب جديد

ينتظر من يشكره

القديسه أولمبياس

The Feast of the Cross

في كل الأيـــام..... التعب يلازمنا

هل تعلم في اسبوع الالام

أكليل الشوك

Good Friday

معك يوم الخميس في بستان جثسيمانى

سبت لعازر [ الأسبوع السابع ] من الصوم الكبير

أحــــد الشعانين

تحت أقدام الصليب

بين شم النسيم وعيد القيامة

أحد التناصير ( الأحد السادس  من الصوم الكبير

The Feast of the Cross

أحد السامرية ( الأحد الرابع ) من الصوم الكبير

في ليلة عيد النيروز 10 سبتمبر عام

أراك كئيباً على غير العادة ماذا بك؟

حياة الصلاه الارثوذكسية


أن أمنت تره مجد الله يو

القديس إغريغوريوس النزينزي

حرية وراء القضبان

النزول من الصليب

Nestorian Church in Saudia Arabia  

حـسن وبـس !!

هل تعلمون كيف تأكل الغربان الصغيرة

هذه المعجزة من اجمل المعجزات التي يمكن ان تقراها في حياتك

مَن منا لم يجتاز ليلاً ؟........... قد يطول أحياناً ويبدو بلا نهاية.

يسوع حبيبك

لأنه يوصي ملائكته بك

كله للخير

Tamav Irini

متحيرين لكن غير يائسين

اذا لم يشرب المسيح مزيج الخل

و كان إذا رفع موسى يده

ايمانك ليكن لك كما


الانبا انطونيوس

فى قديم الزمان

مقاومة الأفكار الشريرة

القديس مينا الأسقف

القديس مينا الأسقف

بسىالشهيد فيلوثاؤس



ماذا تقول ايها القائد موريس

مجداً من الناس لست أقبل 

البطيخة المسمومة

كانت هناك سيدة، شُخّص مرضها على أنه لا شفاء منه، وقيل لها أنها أمامها 3

كان هناك صياد سمك

المتنيح الأنبا مكاريوس أسقف قنا

كل ما أشوف حاجة تعجبني

السيرة العطرة لامنا سارة

فضيلة التدقيق

نصائح غاليه ،،، جاكسون براون

ذا زرعت الأمانة فستحصد الثقة

أخطأ الكاهن فى الصلاه .. فعاد الميت للحياه

Saint Clemant of Romea

قاوم الشر بالخير

القديسة مريم والكنيسة كلاهما أم وعذراء

قبل ان ينتهي العمر لابد لي ان اشكرك

العصفور وملك الطيور

لماذا نصوم صوم السيدة العذراء

تتغذى البجعة على أشياء كثيرة

العذراء في القداس الإلهي

زار الأنبا باسيليوس مطران الأقصر و أسوان السابق


كل حق يقابله واجب

فوائد الصوم وأهميته

اله العصفور الخامس

صه جميله اقرأها بالكامل

عندما يقدم الشاب على الزواج

ل ما في السماء كنوز، لا تخطر على قلب بشر

إصنعوا لكم أصدقاء من مال الظلم

سمعت صوت ربنا بيقول

خمس أشياء حكيمة من أجل حياة كريمة

الأبا برسوم العريان

Basilissa باشليلية الشهيدة



قصة توبة عجيبة .. قصة مجدى يسى

رسالة فى عيد الآباء الرسل الأطهار

الرئيس شيميل وأمه

لَيْسَ لَكُمْ أَنْ تَعْرِفُوا الأَزْمِنَةَ وَالأَوْقَاتَ


دخل هذا الشاب دير البراموس

كانت امرأة عجوز لا تعرف القراءة أو الكتابة

هل يكفى لسداد اقساطك وجمعياتك؟

هو يسوع؟

Saint Moseas The Black

عيد رئيس الملائكة الجليل ميخائيل (12 بؤونة

أن الصلاه تستطيع أن تخترق كل الحواجز و تنقذ الضعفاء و المحتاجين

طرق استشهاد رسل السيد المسيح

القديس العظيم الانبا كاراس السائح

يا لها من تضحي

لكنة كان يؤمن أن النفوس أغلى من الفلوس

غلطة العمر

ذهب الطبيب المشهور في ليلة العيد

زار ملاكان الأرض

استأذنت فتاة شابة أمها لتسمح لها بممارسة الزنا

يقوم لو سيفورس

التذكار ال 17 لنياحة الأنبا مكسيموس مطران القليوبية وقويسنا

تذكر هذه الحكمة كلما حاولت أن تنشر أي إشاعة

Hold my hand

Abou Seafin

المزارع والحصان

This is my link for some of my topic

الزوار الثلاثة

ابتسامة عريضة في الهيكل

مديح القديس البابا كيرلس السادس - في كواكب الفردوس

The Crucifixion of Christ

أن الصلاه تستطيع أن تخترق كل الحواجز و تنقذ الضعفاء و المحتاجين

ثلاثيات الصوم المقدس

الساعة مع ربنا بمائة عام"

Father Bishoy Kamal

القمص ابونا بيشوي كامل

يا بني


معجزات ابونا بيشوى كامل

معجزة للبابا كيرلس والعذراء

دبر يارب حياتنا كما يليق

ياليتنى أحبك مثلها

هو ذا أنا هكذا يا رب

القديس العظيم الانبا كاراس السائح

من اقوال البابا شنودة

أحدث كنيسة منحوتة بدير العظيم الأنبا أنطونيوس العامر

السيدة العذراء تشفى طفلة من مرض ساركوما السرطان***

خواطر للعام الجديد

تماف ايريني وتقول

أيها الحمار العزيز إني أشعر بتعب شديد، وأود أن أسألك،

عش بقلب محب


فأنت لم تعرف بعد محبة المصلوب

أنا لا أفهم هذه العبارة

يارب إني مديون لك

Anba Poula

الصوم الكبير

عيد الصعود المجيد

ليت اسماعيل يعيش امامك

الاسفار القانونيه الثانيه

الثلاثاء, 18 اغسطس, 2009


“But the helper of the holy spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, He will teach you all things and bring to your remembrance all things I said to you" (John 14:26)