Raeef Wahib's Theological
Roweiss Cairo-Egypt Faculty of Arts Ein Shams university
currently doing a masters degree at macquarie university.
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Ehab Wahib
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and evening classes in following courses:
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Special price $699 for
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Ehab 0412 409 596 ML:407752319
November 19, 2006
(ISAIAH 55:6)
The youth
was thrown into prison and all the Christians who were already there recognized
him and were very joyful, as he gave them great comfort. On the next day, the
ruler gave orders and about one thousand of prisoners were killed. They all
received the crowns of martyrdom on Baramhat, 9th.
The ruler called young Abanub and asked his men to tie the youth on board to Atrib. He even said mockingly, “Let him wait and see if
Jesus Christ will come and save him!”
The ship sailed till the evening and
the ruler sat to eat and drink. Suddenly, the cup was petrified in his hand and
he was paralyzed. As for the soldiers, they became
almost blind. The ruler looked up to the youth who was tied to the most and saw
Arch Angel Michael wiping the blood that was coming out of his mouth and nose.
The Angel Then took the youth down to the front of the ship then disappeared.
When reached their and he recovered. Many of those who witnessed what happened
believed in the Lord Almighty.
The ruler
of Atrib made the youth experience types of torment
but The Lord Jesus Christ, accompanied by Arch Angel Michael, appeared to him
and he was cured.
Abanub, in
all his suffering, was a source of blessing to many souls they believed in The
Lord Jesus Christ and accepted martyrdom joyfully. At all times, The Lord sent
his angels to comfort the young saint.
When the ruler saw many accepted the
Christian faith because of the youth, he chained him and sent him to
Alexandria. When he faced Armanios, the ruler of
Alexandria, the saint confessed his faith in The Lord Jesus Christ. He endured
every torment, even being thrown into a den and was always protected by The
Lord and His Angel Michael.
One of
the snakes that were in the den almost choked Armanios
himself while the Saint was the one who saved him. This puzzled many people and
they accepted the faith and were martyred.
Finally, the saint was beheaded
outside the city, after he stood up and prayed joyfully. St. Julius Al- Akfahsi carried the martyr’s body to his country of birth, Nahisa where he was buried and his life-story and struggle
were recorded.
The body was later on carried to Semennoud. The Church celebrates his feast-day on Abib, 24th every Coptic year (31 July).
May the
blessings of this great Saint be with us all. Amen.
Glory be to
God, forever. Amen
The Saint
belongs to the 4th century A.D. His name is derived from the word “Benub” which means “gold”. He was born to righteous and
God-loving parents but he lost both of them when he was about twelve years old.
It happened once that the youth went
to Church and it was one of feast days. He heard the priest urging the people
to endure affliction and persecution joyfully.
at that time, was stirring all powers against the Christians.
After receiving the Holy Communion,
the young saint. Returned home and the priest’s words were still achoing in his ears. He knelt and asked for God’s help, and
then he headed to “semnnoud”, rejoicing in the spirit
full of expectations for heavenly crown.
On his arrival, he started going
round the City and found many Churches in ruins and people insulting
Christianity. He asked for God’s support and The Lord sent Arch Angel Michael,
who comforted him and guided him to what to do. The Saint was encouraged to go
to the ruler and witness for his Christ. The Angel assured him that God will
strengthen him and will enable him to endure all suffering.
Young Abanub
went to the ruler, faced him and talked boldly and with courage that amazed
everyone. The ruler first started to treat him with kindness, offering him many
promised but this did not affect the young saint. The ruler’s anger was kindled
so he gave orders to beat Abanub, bur Arch Angel
Michael was soon there by his side and healed his wounds.
men to tie
the youth on board to Atrib. He even said mockingly,
“Let him wait and see if Jesus Christ will come and save him!”
down to the
front of the ship then disappeared. When reached their and he recovered. Many
of those who witnessed what happened believed in the Lord Almighty.
One of the snakes that were in the den almost
choked Armanios himself while the Saint was the one
who saved him. This puzzled many people and they accepted the faith and were
Finally, the saint was beheaded
outside the city, after he stood up and prayed joyfully. St. Julius Al- Akfahsi carried the martyr’s body to his country of birth, Nahisa where he was buried and his life-story and struggle
were recorded.
The body was later on carried to Semennoud. The Church celebrates his feast-day on Abib, 24th every Coptic year (31 July).
May the
blessings of this great Saint be with us all. Amen.
the helper of the holy spirit, whom the Father will
send in my name, He will teach you all things and
bring to your remembrance all things I said to you" (John 14:26)