2006 Final Spiritual Exam
Sunday, December 24, 2006
2006 Final Spiritual Exam
1. Did you keep the first and
the greatest cornnmndment, “You shall love the Lord
you God with all your heart, with all your soul, with all
your mind, and with all your strength” (Mark 12:30)?
2. Did you keep the second commandment, ‘You shall love your neighbour as
yourself’ (Malt.
3. Did you follow the golden rule of Christianity, “Whatever you want men to do
to you, do also to them” (Mutt, 7:12)
4. Are your thoughts pure and holy, or evil, lustful and hostile?
5. How is your tongue? Are your words loving, friendly, gentle, kind and
encouraging, or poi sonous, destructive, offensive,
judgmental and hurtful?
6. How many fatal sins of the tongue do you commit everyday,
such as lying, swearing, reviling, slandering, judging, bragging, threatening,
backstabbing and making fun of others?
7. Are you calm, quiet and meek, or are you ill-tempered, constantly nervous
and in a bad mood?
8. Does the peace of God fill your heart and mind, or are you always worrying,
complaining, grumbling and scared of everything?
9. When you get angry at someone, do you kindle the wrath, fight and hate for
weeks, months and years, or take the initiative of reconciliation according to
the Bible, “Do not let the sun go down on your wrath, nor give place to the
devil” (Eph. 4:26,27)
10. If you sinned against anyone, do you humbly apologize to them or does your
pride prevent you?
11. If anyone hurt you and apologized to you, do you forgive and forget?
Prayers, Confession and Communion
12. Do you pray everyday the seven prayers of
the Agpiya, like David, or three times daily, like
Daniel, or only twice as the little children? Or none?
13. Do you attend the church meetings, Liturgies, vespers etc.
, early. Constantly and with pleasure, or is your presence at church
14. Do you have a father of confession? Do you confess, at least, once per
month, or did you neglect this important sacrament in which you gain
forgiveness and guidance?
15. Do you persist on having communion every Liturgy, or let months and years
pass away without it?
16. Do you read your Bible on a daily basis? Do you study the word of God,
memorize it, do it, teach it and spread it?
17 Are you honest and accurate in paying yota tithes,
or do you rob God, the poor and the Church of their rights? (Mal.
18. Do you join the Church in her fast? Do you fast in a spiritual way
and benefit of fasting, orjusi fast from time to time
as a routine?
19. Do you serve God with your talents? Do you have any active role in Church
20. How many souls did you win this last yew’ Do you invite others to church?
21. When you visit others, do you read the Bible or pray and talk tot hem about Christ and their salvation? Or do you speak
about every trivial sul> ject
and deny Christ?
22. Do you witness to Christ in all occasions o are you ashamed of Him?
23. How many persons did you offend, have
you tried to correct your situation? C’
24. Have you discovered all your talents and invested them for God’s
glory, or do you bury and misuse them?
25. Were you a good influence on your friends. or are youjust a weak follower who
approves of the sins of others?
26. Are you a slave to bad and sinful habits. such as smoking, drinking, drugs and sexual immorality?
27. Do you respect and help others, or always put them down, criticize and
despise them?
28. Do you have a spiritual library at home and
read Bible commentaries, Church history, Dogma
and listen to beneficial cassettes?
29. Are you filled with the Holy Spirit and the joy of the Lord, singing
praises and hymns, or dance to rock n roll and rap music?
31k Do you love your family, wife and children
and take care of them in God’s way
Answer these questions honestly in the spirit of prayer and give yourself a
score Do not try to justify your faults or negligence but rather start a fresh
start that God may bless you. Amen.