Doxology for
Saint Moses the Black
الاربعاء, 27 يونيو, 2007
Doxology for Saint Moses the Black
The first holy martyr
who was truly perfected
on the mountain of Shiheet
is our father Abba Moses
He became a fighter
whom the demons fear
he stood upon the rock
a symbol of the Cross
Through his great patience
of the pain of the sufferings
he wore the crown
of martyrdom
He flew in the spirit to the hights
to His place of rest
which the Lord has prepared
for those who love His holy Name
He left for us his holy body
and his holy cell
that we may be perfected
in his honored remembrance
Proclaiming and saying,
O God of Abba Moses
and those who were perfected with him
have mercy upon our souls.
That we may win the promises
which He has prepared for the saints
who have pleased Him since the beginning
because of the love for Him
Pray to the Lord on our behalf
O my father Abba Moses
and his children the cross-bearers
that he may forgive us our sins