The BOOK JOSHUA son of sirack
الخميس, 02 يوليو,
JOSHUA son of sirack
First: Name of The Book title.
Second: People with name of Joshua.
Third: Author of The Book.
Fourth: Time of writing of The
Book and place of
its writing.
Fifth: The language in which
The Book was written.
First: Name of The Book
The Book of "Wisdom of Joshua son of Sirav"
is considered to be the largest and most comprehensive model of the writings of
wisdom, which is the second oldest legal The Book often so-called "wisdom Sirav" or "Sirav"
The Hebrew version of the The
Book, which Jerome had identified, has the same title as the The Book, "The Examples", in Hebrew "Machalim" (meaning examples).
It was stated in the writings notes of the Rabbanieen as a single word: "Mathal"
(meaning an example), which in Aramaic "for example”. But it was
mentioned in the Talmud the name of the author, meaning "son of Sirav."
He did not give him the title of the clippings in
Hebrew, which was found recently.
The manuscripts in Greek, recalled the name of
"Wisdom of Joshua son Sirav" or
"Sirav’s Wisdom". Also called by the
parents, such as (Iosabis) and other, "Wisdom
College of Virtue", and called by Clemends
the Alexandrian, "The Teacher."
As for the Latin name, it is "Aklisestkas" which means the Church man because The
Book was one of The Books allowed to be read in the church.
The name “Syriac” (in Al-Peshitah)
is The Book of, "Joshua Ben Sama'an Asseeraa", as set out in the Londonversion
of the multiple languages. Also called "The Book of Wisdom" (forParasra), and the word "Bar" in theSyriac word offset (son) (in Hebrew and Arabic).
There is no doubt of the distortion of the Asseraa’s name is Sirav.
Second: People with name of Joshua.
“Joshua” is a Hebrew word meaning (Jehovah my salvation) or (the salvation
of God). Although this call was launched to name several persons in the Bible,
it has received a one-time name for the town of Judas, according to city
The Book inNehemiah, and housing in it, where some of Judas’s
people after their return from captivity. It was mentioned that It was a
big city (Lion well). This is likely to have been close to it. It seems, it was
a big city, as evidence of mention the word (and its villages) meaning the
villages belong to it (see 26:11 NH) "and the 26 and Molada Joshua HouseValt .27
and in Hassr Shoghaal andLion well and its villages."
The men mentioned in the Holly Bible, with the name (Joshua) are many. All of
them are listed in the Old Testament's session. They are ten. The most known
was (Joshua son of-Nun), who succeeded Moses in leading the people of God, and
which had been a spy before entering the land ofCanaan.
Have crossed the Jordan with the rest of the people, and have owned
the land of Canaan after Yashu had
divided it according to their)positions= (اسباطهم and fought a difficult
battle with them (see The Book Yashu). And in
addition to (Joshua son of-Nun), there was Joshua, the President of
Jerusalem in the days of King Yoshya, who had
named one of the gates of the city with his name, and demolished of door
heights at the entrance door of Yoshua (the
President of the city), which is left of the city door." (2 ml 8:23).
There was also Joshua, the priest, the
President of the ninth team of the twenty four of son of-Haroun teams, to service the structure and to enter
the House of the Lord (cf. brother 24: 11,Izz el-2:
36, Asia, 39:7).
Also Yashu Ellaoy, who was in the hands of Fawery
son of Yamnah Ellaoythe
doorman to the east in the days of King Hezekiah, "14 Kori, and Faweryson of Yamnah Ellaoy the doorman tothe east was donated to give to God the Lord and offering
Okdas holies .15, under his hand: Aden,Benjamin, Joshua, Shameya Emaryaa,and Shekneya,in the cities of the priests, faithfully to give
to their brothers according to the large difference as the small. Kalsger "(2
brothers 31: 14, 15).
There was also Joshua or (Yehoshua), the great priest, son of Ihossadaq who was captured to Babylon and then
returned from captivity with Zrpabl, and some of
his children have married strange women (see 15:6,2:2, 3:4, 18:10 and 1:1 Ag,
13.14, 20: 2, 4 and Zk 1:3, 3, 8, 9).
There is also Yashu,
the President of the clan, which is from Beny
Fahth, who returned from captivity withZrpabl (Ezzedine 6:2, Asia,
There another Yashu,
family president of Seet-Lao, returned from
captivity to Jerusalem with Zrpabl,
(Ezzedine2:2, Asia, 7: 43). And also Laoy,
the name of Joshua was the father of one rosed to Jerusalem with Ezra (Ezz 8: 33), and also Abu Yashu President Ezerrefinery, which has contributed to the restoration of Jerusalem fence
at theEl-zawyah (Pule 3:
19). Finally, there was Yashu (from the Ellaween), the name of a man who explained The Shariato the people, in Ezradays
(Asia, 7:8, 4:9, 5, 8:12, 24).
In the New Testament, at the Apostlesdays, there were a sorcerer liar
prophet named Yar Joshua, meaning
(son of Joshua). Also known as the magicianhas
resisted Paul and Barnabas to the governor of Sergius in Paphosin Cyprusuntil the blind shot.
Third: Author of the The Book.
He is Joshua Ben Sirav,
one of the elders of the Jews who have studied the Torah, test it, and then
wrote about it.
It has been said about him that he wasJoshua son of Sirav son of Samaon, and he has been famous writer, died in
captivity in Babylon and was buried there. It was originally from the
city of Jerusalem. Named (Ben Joshua Sirav Aloorchillimy) as we understand from the translation of the
introduction, as well as stated in the The Book
itself, when he said: "a discipline of reason and science in this The BookJoshua son of Sirav Aloorchillimywisdom which was developed by him" (S.
50: 29).
It has been stated at the forefront of the The Book, that writer son of Sirav(necessary to read the Shariah and the prophets, and other The Books by our
parents and also to be established as it should). Accordingly, he also intended
to codification of something related to literature and the wisdom, to borrow
from him the ones who want the quote in education and increase good behavior for approval ofShareeaa.
Its purpose was to benefit others, especially young people of his city from the
fruits of his reflections and experience. Have lived a happy and calm life, and
firmly raised his children in the fear of the Lord. It is a grandson of Joshua
son of Sirav when he was in Egypt and wanted to
serve the people of the Jews say: I found an opportunity where they need
speaking and reflections to tie them up with Balnamus,not find better than the most beautiful, to
translate this The Book, and took action for the day and night in terms of
translation of the afternoon light. And I personally followed the printing for
the Jews who live outside Jerusalem, to live according to the law of God.
Fourth: Time of writing of The Book and place of its writing.
It is likely that when scientists have been writing the The
Book, it was doneat the time of Ptolemy Orgist the first, the period (246-221 BC. M).
There is another view was that The Book was
originally written inPalestine during the period
of the year (190-170 BC. M).
As for the interpretation of The Book to the Greek,
it was done by the grandson of the writer in the city ofAlexandria in Egypt in
the 38 year rule of an Egyptian king namedOorgtis,
for the benefit of the immigrated Jews in Egypt, who do not know the
Hebrew language.
Found was a copy of The Book of Joshuason of Sirav of Hebrew
origin in ancient Egypt in 1896 AD. It is due to the eleventh century
or twelfth century. There are many differences about the exact time of writing.
We are satisfied with these dates are somewhat more accurate than any of the
other possibilities.
Fifth: The language in which The Book was written.
Almost all scientists have reached to only one conclusion: that the first The
Book was originally written in Hebrew.
Jebrome has stated that he saw the Hebrew origin.
The Book introduction has stated very clearly the
true originally was written in Hebrew, and the assumption of power backed by
the scientists in the past, that such The Book was originally written in
Hebrew, have been confirmed in practice the discovery of four clippings
representing the Hebrew origin, and discovered by others and Cstr year 1896 and beyond and these clippings for more
than often half of all The Book. The identical text found in the repeated
sections in the scrap book, which confirms that the contents of the original
version of The Book.