The complation of Book of Danial 25
Thursday, August 17, 2006
were destroyed, they began to question the king’s religion, thinking he had
converted to Judaism. The people then threatened the king asking him to hand
Daniel over to them or they would kill him and his household. The king handed
Daniel over to them; they then threw him into a den containing seven lions,
which had been given nothing, so that they would devour Daniel. Daniel was in
the den for six days but the Lord did not forsake him. lIe sent an angel carrying Habkkuk
with food. On the seveuth day, the king went to the
den expecting Daniel to be devoured by lions, but was overwhelmed to find him
alive and having believed in the true living God as a result ordered that those
who plotted against Daniel be thrown in the lion’s den.
Contemplations on the story of the dragon:
“Now in that place there was a great dragon, which the Babylonians revered. The
king said to Daniel, “You can not deny that this is a
living god, so worship hint” (23, 24)
After Be) was destroyed the devil was found yet another way to deceive the
Babylonians. The devil also knowing that the Babylonians desired a strong and
powerful god so he sent them the dragon. There has been an old and long
relationship between dragons and the devil. This is clearly mentioned in
Revelations (Rev. 12:3,7, 20:2).
The dragons were created on the fifth day of creation (Gen. 1:21). A dragon
does not refer to a specific animal but a group of animals, that is the
“Then Daniel took pitch, fat and hair and boiled them together and made cakes,
which he fed to the dragon. The dragon ate them and burst open. Then Daniel
said, “See what you have been worshipping!” When the Babylonians heard about
it, they were indignant and conspired against the king saying, “The king has beconie a Jew, he has destroyed Bel, and killed the dragon and slaughtered the priests.”
As God was with Joseph, He was also with Daniel and guided him to cook this mix
which killed the dragon. Daniel conquered the devil three times, through Bel, the priests and the dragon.
The deviL then became restless and began to
manipulate the hearts of the people, so they conspired to kill Daniel.
“Going to the king, they said, “Hand Daniel over to us, or else we will kill
you and your household.” The king saw that they were pressing them hard, and
under compulsion be handed Daniel over to them.” (29,30)
The conspiracy against Daniel was similar to that which occurred against
Christ. Cyrus’ stand is very similar to that of Herod at the time of Christ’s
crucifixion. Both leaders believed in the innocence of the two victims but