The complation of Book of Danial 22
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Lord said, “You shall not put to death an innocent and righteous person to
death.” Now then if you really saw this woman, tell me this:
under what tree did you see them being intimate with each other? “i-ic answered, “Under a mastic
tree” And Daniel said, Very well! This lie has cost you your head, for the
angel of the God has received the sentence from God and will immediately cut
you in two.”
Then putting him to one side, he ordered them to bring the other, and he said
to him, “You offspring of Canaan and not of Judah, beauty has
beguiled you and lust has perverted your heart. This is how you have been
treating the daughters of Israel, and they were intimate with you through fear;
but a daughter of Judah would not tolerate your wickedness. Now then, tell me
this: Under what tree did you catch them being intimate with each other?” 1-Ic
answered “Under an evergreen oak,” Daniel said to him “Very Well! This lie has
cost you also your head, for the angel of God is waiting with his sword to
split you into two, so as to destroy you hoth.
Daniel knew that the judges were wicked and falsely accused Susanua
and knew of their treatment of the daughters of Israel. Daniel spoke to the
first judge as a Jew referring to the laws of Moses and to the second as if he
was a Gentile referring to him as a Canaanite, although both judges were
The Canaanites were the descendants of Cauaau the
fourth (4th) son of Hani (Gen 10:6), son of Noah. Canaan was cursed by God
because his father Ham so the nakedness of his own father Noah then went and
told his brothers (Gen9:25). Though it did not happen, the Hebrews were ordered
to destroy them because of their wickedness (Deutrouomy
God answered Susanna’s prayers immediately and seut
her an angel to support her and declare her innocence through Daniel’s actions.
‘Then the whole assembly raised a great shout and blessed God, who saves those
who hope in him. And they took action against the two elders, because out of
their own mouths Daniel had convicted them of bearing false witness; they did
to them as they had wickedly planned to do their neighbour” (60,61)
David reassures us that God never forsakes those who love Him: “I have been
young and now am old yet I have not seen the righteous forsaken, Nor his
descendants begging bread.” (Psalms 37:23). God saved Susanua
because of her honesty, purity and righteousness.
“Acting in accordance with the Law of Moses, they put them to death. Thus
innocent blood was spared that day. Hilkia and his
wife praised