complation of Book of Danial14
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Lord. He is knocking on our door, and those who open
the door allow Him to enter, dine with them and dwell in their hearts.
“For your name’s sake do not give us up forever and do not annul you covenant.
Do not withdraw your mercy from ns for the sake of Abraham your beloved and
for the sake of IsraeL your servant and Isaac your
holy one.” (11,12)
Azariah’s humility is reflected in the way lie asks
for God’s mercy and His saints’ supplications. He pleads to God’s compassion
for the sake of Abraham, Israel and Isaac.
“As thongh it were with
burnt offering of rams and bulls, or with tens of thousands of fat Lambs.
Such may be our sacrifice in your sight today and may unreservedly follow
you, for no shame will come to those who trust in you. And now with all our
heart we follow you; we fear you and seek your presence.” (17&18)
Please Lord accept our souls and our spirits as offerings
before you. When anyone comes to you Lord, you never refuse them and when
anyone relies on you, you never let them down. So now we conic to you Oh Lord
and follow you with all our hearts.
“Do not put us to shame, hut deal with us in your patience and in your abnnd ant mercy. Deliver us in accordance with your marvelous works and bring glory to your name, 0 Lord.” (19,20)
Please Lord deal with us according to Your mercy and not on account of our
sins. Please save us so that the whole world may know Your name.
“Now the king’s servants who threw them in kept stoking the furnace with naphtha.
Pitch, tow, and brushwood” (23).. “But the angel
of the Lord came down into the furnace to be with Azariah
and his companions and drove the fiery flame out of lie furnace.” (26)
God’s punishment to the evil ones was swift. The flames killed the Chaldeans
who threw the three young men in the fiery furnace. Because the three young
men trusted in God, He sent them an angel to save them. They were totally
unharmed and their clothes did not smell of smoke. The angel had the power
to extinguish the fire hut he did not. “I do not pray that You
should take them out of the world but that You should keep them from the evil
one” (John 17:15). The passionate prayer of Azariah
touched the heart of God so He answered it in an instant. He began his prayer
condemning himself in humility, proclaiming his sins and the sins of his peopLe asking for God’s mercy and the supplications of the
saints. He then asked God to save him and his friends so that His name may
be glorified.