The complation of Book of Danial 9
Thursday, August 17, 2006
Later on, the king had a dream where lie saw a great
image with excellent splendor. A stone that was
cut out without hands then destroyed the image. There was none amongst the
magicians or the inagi who could explain this dream to the king. However, Daniel
did. The dream was about five kingdoms, four of which will fall while the
fifth, the kingdom of God shall never he destroyed.
This dream is explained by the Church fathers as a prophecy of Jesus Christ,
where the four kingdoms are the kingdoms of Babylon, Persia, Greece and Rome,
who will all he destroyed hut the kingdom of Christ will never be destroyed
and His name will reign forever.
Nebuchadnezzar was impressed by Daniel’s interpretation of the dream, lie gave him gifts and made him ruler over the whole
province of Babylon.
The language of the Book f Daniel:
Most of the book of Daniel was written in Hebrew. The section from Daniel
2:4 to 7:28 is thought to have been written in Chaldcan,
a language which Daniel had mastered or in Aramean.
The position of the Book qf Daniel in The Bible:
In current versions of the Bible, the hook of Daniel follows the book of
Ezekiel. This order of the hooks of the Bible is the same in both old and
modern translations. However in the original Hebrew text, the hook of
Daniel is placed in the third part of the Old Testament, known as the
Khetoubim (meaning The Books).
The book of Daniel consists of twelve chapters. Protestant
exclnde the following:
1. Sixty seven (67) verses which should have been placed between
Daniel 3:23 and 24 which contain the prayer of Azariah
and the song
of the three young men.
2. Chapter thirteen (13) which contains the story of Susanna
3. Chapter fourteen (14) which contains the story of Bel and the Dragon.
Three dreams are described in the Book of Daniel; Nebuchadnezzar’s dream and
two visions seen by Daniel himself. The visions of Daniel (Daniel 7-10 and
12) were about the coming of the Messiah, destruction of Jerusalem and the
temple and the end of sacrificial offerings at the end of the seventy weeks
prophecy (Daniel 9:20-27).